2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest
2023 3rd IYAC New York Youth Art Competition
Award-Winning Works : 2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest
3회째로 개최되는 2023 IYAC New York Youth Art Competition 는 참가자들에게 창의적인 작품을 통해 사회적 이슈에 대한 인식을 높이고, 미술의 힘과 소통의 가치를 강조하며, 예술을 통해 다양한 관점과 의견을 나눌 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
2023 3rd IYAC New York Youth Art Competition
Award-Winning Works
제2회 2023 IYAC 청소년 미술 뉴욕 전시 공모전은 미래의 아티스트들이 현시대의 문제의식을 시각예술이란 형식으로 자신의 생각을 표현하고 의견을 나누는 기회를 목적으로 기획된 대회입니다. 해당 대회에서 입상한 작품들의 경우 Cosmos Gallery (New York) 에서 진행하는 해당 대회의 입상작 전시회에 참여 기회가 제공되었습니다.
Gold Medal Winning Artworks
2023 제3회 IYAC 뉴욕 청소년 미술 대회는 청소년 스스로가 사회의 일원으로 성장해가는 과정에서 자신의 생각을 다양한 예술로 표현해 소통의 다양성을 경험하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, MySLide corp. 가 주최하고 GSEF Foundation, Space 776 Gallery (New York), Gordon M. Johnson 미국 뉴저지 상원의원님, Chong Paul Kim 팰리세이즈 파크 시장님이 함께 합니다.
해당 대회는 [최수희 홍익대학교 교수님 (심사위원장), 이보라 작가님, 김승현 작가님] 이 심사를 진행해 주셨습니다.
Title : Newborn
Artist : Yelim Kim
Year : 2023
Material / Medium : Acrylic Paint
Size of Artwork : 4절
Award : Gold Medal
Description of Artwork :
As a high school senior soon starting a new chapter in my life, I’ve pondered all the possibilities the adult world could have. Entering adulthood and moving away from the embrace of my parents, there is a drastic change in the environment surrounding me, essentially making me and others similar students“newborns” to society.
My piece portrays the clean blank slate of soon-to-be adults in response to their changing environments through glass textures. Glass, which allows surrounding objects to permeate and merge, can symbolize how susceptible young adults are to absorbing behaviors reflected in their new environments. The glass figures are therefore painted to overlap with other surrounding glass figures, absorbing the qualities of surrounding individuals. The blue light on the top symbolizes a light leading to an “open door”, much like a newborn’s path from the womb to the real world, or young adults’ paths from adolescence to adulthood.
Title : to Earth
Artist : Suhjung Kim
Year : 2023
Material / Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Size of Artwork : 53*45.5cm
Award : Gold Medal
Description of Artwork :
Through this piece, I wanted people to alienate them from themselves, switch perspectives and realize what our damaged Earth could look like to a foreigner. I wanted to take a humurous apprach to contrast the whimsical nature of my work to the dismal, looming reality of what our Earth could become if we continue to be so passive. The wordplay on the title of my work "to Earth," can be interpreted as literally going to Earth, but can also be comprehended as adressing Earth with the remorse we should feel.
Title : Golden Touch
Artist : Olivia Kwon
Year : 2023
Material / Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Size of Artwork : 53 x 45.5 cm
Award : Gold Medal
Description of Artwork :
People can be seen looking up at the trees in my painting, waiting for the right moment to pluck one as it comes zig-zagging down. In contrast, I placed myself inside an elevated room with paper cutouts of my ginkgo leaves sprinkled all over the room. My DIY paper leaves are a symbol of how I have learned to create happiness myself from within instead of constantly searching for it elsewhere. This has enabled me to stay consistent, flexible, and strong despite things changing around me.
Title : The Thrill of Liminality
Artist : Kayla Lee
Year : 2023
Material / Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Size of Artwork : 53x45.5cm
Award : Gold Medal
Description of Artwork :
Changes might come into our lives whether we desire them or not. This piece was primarily inspired by the well-known maxim, "When one door closes, another opens." This was something my mother would tell me whenever I was about to embark on another change in my mostly mundane life. No matter how many times I encounter change, my insides churn, like my stomach is fluttering with butterflies. This emotion used to make me uneasy, but I'm learning to be more receptive to the ineluctable changes that are woven into my life. The artwork depicts the liminality that is felt when adapting to new changes, with the girl traveling into the overflowing door capturing how it feels to indulge in another change that has made itself present. Some doors are open, representing the new chances and changes that are open for the girl; others are closed, showcasing how the girl has overcome the previous ventures and should wallow into another one.
Title : Changing who I used to be
Artist : Saena Lee
Year : 2023
Material / Medium : acrylic
Size of Artwork : 53x45.5cm
Award : Gold Medal
Description of Artwork :
I have realized that nowadays, many people are trying to hide or change who they really are. People try to adjust themselves to look similar to the person we call a standard beauty by having plastic surgeries and hiding their real personalities from others. This is because there is significant pressure to conform to certain standards of beauty and behavior. However, I feel that it's important to recognize that everyone has their own unique qualities, both physical and personal, that make them who they are. So, thought this painting, I had wanted to show that someone can not tell you to change who you are and you should not hide who you really are.
MySLide Corp.
홈페이지 시스템 관련 문의처 : admin@myslide.org