2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest

2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest

Award-Winning Works : 2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest

제2회 2023 IYAC 청소년 미술 뉴욕 전시 공모전은 미래의 아티스트들이 현시대의 문제의식을 시각예술이란 형식으로 자신의 생각을 표현하고 의견을 나누는 기회를 목적으로 기획된 대회입니다. 해당 대회에서 입상한 작품들의 경우 Cosmos Gallery (New York) 에서 진행하는 해당 대회의 입상작 전시회에 참여 기회가 제공되었습니다.

2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest

Award-Winning Works : 2023 IYAC New York Teenage Painting Contest

  제2회 2023 IYAC 청소년 미술 뉴욕 전시 공모전은 미래의 아티스트들이 현시대의 문제의식을 시각예술이란 형식으로 자신의 생각을 표현하고 의견을 나누는 기회를 목적으로 기획된 대회입니다. 해당 대회에서 입상한 작품들의 경우 Cosmos Gallery (New York) 에서 진행하는 해당 대회의 입상작 전시회에 참여 기회가 제공되었습니다.

Winner prize-winning works

  본 대회는 MySLide corp. 이 주최하고 Cosmos Gallery (New York) 이 함께 합니다. 해당 대회는 2023년 2월 01일 (수) 13:00시 부터 2023년 2월 15일 (수) 23:00시 까지 접수 진행 되었으며 주최측에서 선발한 평가 위원분들 [장지희 안동대학교 교수님 (심사위원장), 이민경 작가님 (하임 조형연구소 대표), 박소정 (Seoul Scholars International Art & Design 미술교사)] 이 제출된 작품들을 면밀히 검토하여 투명하고 공정하게 평가를 치뤘습니다.

Title : Under the Mask

Artist : Song Hyewon

Year : 2023/2/15

Material / Medium : acrylic paint

Size of Artwork : 53cm X 45.5 cm

Award : Winner

Description of Artwork :

  Considering how much our world has changed is unsettling. Covid masking has changed our society, making it hard to identify our classmates, and even basic behaviors like expressing thoughts via facial expressions became illegal. "Under the Mask" has a number of symbolisms. The mountains and grassy plains resemble the bottom portion of a human face. The larger peak represents the nose, while the smaller peak represents the lips. The mask represents a cloud. Since only the bottom portion of our face, the respiratory system, is covered by a mask, this exemplifies suffocation. This interpretation is symbolized by the lower faces being covered by a vigorous nature and only the respiratory systems being inanimate rocks. The second perspective is that nature, the lower part of our face, is covered by a cloud, a mask that demonstrates how humanity was under the time of epidemic crisis. The mask is made to look like it will float away, so that this terrible pandemic will end as soon as possible

Title : 찰나의 순간

Artist : Woo Jin

Year : 2023

Material / Medium : 캔버스에 아크릴

Size of Artwork : 캔버스 10호

Award : Winner 

Description of Artwork :

  The old man and baby's faces are intertwined with each other. This artwork symbolizes my psychological world, depicting the sense of futility about the rapid passing of time. The baby’s face is very smooth. On the contrary, the old man’s face has a lot of wrinkles. It gives a contrast between the two different ages. Also, I put smoke coming up from the bottom to make the effect of extinguishing time.

Title : Nap Time!

Artist : Yang Shannon

Year : 2023

Material / Medium : Acrylic on canvas

Size of Artwork : 10P

Award : Winner 

Description of Artwork :

  This is a piece that I tried to show the relationship with time and myself. The time only comes to me when I am not working most of the time, which is the time when I am with my cats. In this piece, I tried to portray the comforting, relaxing, and the cozy nap time I spend with my cat. I generally used blue-cool toned colors to show the relaxed and the silences of the time with me and my cat and the size of the cat was to show the size of how much my cats mean to me and the comfort they give me. I drew me and my cat in a large city to show the isolation between me and the large city.

MySLide Corp.


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